Regulatory Disputes

Disputes Legal is led by Kevin Morgan, a regulatory lawyer for disputes and for which some of the solutions involving a regulator and with which he has been associated include:

    • Negotiate client’s co-operation with ACCC and mitigate court penalty for price fixing.
    • Prosecute for misuse of market power for which record Australian penalty imposed.
    • Prosecute car dealers for price fixing for which record Australian penalty imposed.
    • Client commendation for helping stop anti-competitive takeover of FAL by Coles Myer.
    • Competition Law Review for largest independent grocer re. Metcash takeover of FAL
    • Overturn tax assessment that removed primary producer exemption from Land Tax.
    • Upheld for ATO its refusal to deduct interest on loan to purchase property to redevelop.
    • Upheld for ATO refusal to deduct interest on loan for residence that became investment.
    • Author of Competition Law Compliance Program for WA Government business

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